Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Hip Hop Fashion for Women...

#eve #LBD #tight dress #hair done #feminine #sex appeal

#long hair #high waist shorts #denim #door-knocker earrings #azealia banks

#smooth legs #skin #sexy #azealea banks

#eve #sexy #red nails #LBD #paws #tattoo #red lipstick

#lil mama #chucks #red dress #bob #she don't give a fcuk #LOL

#nicki #curves #skin #sexy #long hair

#m.i.a. #hippie #too cool #bright #unique fashion

#eve #heels #skinny jeans #tight #blazer #sexy #feminine

#iggy azalea #white babe #black and white #curves

#lil kim #skin #sex appeal

#lil kim #curves

#lil mama #jumpsuit #feminine

#lil mama #WTF???

#m.i.a #cute #legs #skin #sexy

#nicki #ass #ass #ass

#nicki #tight dress #curves #blonde

#nicki #crazy #bright #different

#iggy azalea #red lipstick #feminine #nice

#m.i.a. #boss #thug

#iggy #sexy #skin #sex appeal

#m.i.a #bright #awkward
There has been a huge transformation fro women in hip hop fashion. Before the millennium, women's fashion was strongly aligned with the male's fashion (baggy pants and tops), but now they have detached themselves from the men's fashion completely. Now women are wearing items that shape or reveal their true body shape. They are doing this to look sexy and because it is what the industry is looking for at this point in time. Some women are also creating their own look that's unique, loud and different. This allows them to stand out and make the message loud and clear that they do not care what's in or not. 

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